Get a Free Pro Account!

We're excited to launch our new webapp and we want your valuable feedback! In return, we're offering a free pro account to users who help us improve our service.

How to Participate

  1. Sign up for a free account on ReadThai.Fun
  2. Explore our new webapp and its features
  3. Send your feedback to
  4. Get upgraded to a pro account for free!
Your insights are crucial in helping us create the best possible experience for language learners. We appreciate your time and effort!

What We're Looking For

We value all types of feedback, including:

  • User interface impressions
  • Feature suggestions
  • Bug reports
  • Performance issues
  • Content quality feedback

Feedback Guidelines

Do Don't
Be specific and detailed Send one-word or vague responses
Provide constructive criticism Use offensive language
Suggest improvements Spam our support email
Report any bugs or issues Share personal information of others

Ready to help shape the future of language learning? Sign up now and send us your thoughts!